Catalan Human Castles Festival in Valls, Spain


Very few Catalan towns have had the luck for their traditions to receive such recogniton as Valls, but the people of Valls have certainly worked hard to promote their Human Castles (Castells)  and Catalan BBQ Spring Onions(Calçots). That’s why nowadays, when you think Valls, the capital of Catalan Alt Camp Region, you think it’s the land of Calçots and Castells.

The Calçots are  a gastronomic emblem of Valls and represent a million Euro business – who in Catalonia does not eat calçots in winter!  As for castells, the city of Valls has contributed to the proclamation of Castells by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Valls is the cradle of Catalan Human Castles as well as of vibrant rivalry between the Castells groups.   The bi-centennial festivity will be held from 28 January to 6 February 2011 and it is a unique opportunity to visit Valls, try some calçots and see the incredible Castells.

The Catalan Humans Castles traditions was commenced in Valls precisely 200 years ago.  The origin of Castells is strictly religious. The first Catalan Human Castles were a show of gratitude to the Mare de Déu de la Candela (Virgin Mary of the Candela) the Valls town´s patron saint, for her protection against the devastating effects of  the black plague.   The Valls Human Castles Festival is an incredible chance to see nearly 7000 castellers ( human castles performers) from 56 Colles (Human Castles groups) present their magnificent and heart stopping feats.

If you would like to come to Spain to experience the wonderful Valls Human Castle Festival for yourself, why not let us Customize a private tour for you that includes authentic Spanish experiences as well as best of Spanish food and wine.